Selasa, 22 April 2014

KNOWN set of Javanese gamelan

KNOWN set of Javanese gamelan

As a citizen who berBhineka Tunggal Ika , should appreciate them is to know budayanya.salah Javanese gamelan set . Gamelan is a cultural product to meet the human need for art . Art is one of the cultural elements that are universal . This means that every nation has ascertained the arts , but his form is different from one nation to another nation . If contact occurs between nations the arts culture was also involved in contact that may occur one or mengarn nation would absorb if the elements of art from other nations according to the conditions seternpat . Therefore, since the existence of gamelan until now there have been changes and developments , particularly in ansambelnya completeness .
Javanese gamelan can actually be divided into two barrel ( scales / pitch ) , yaituSlendro and Pelog . According to Javanese mythology , the gamelan Slendro older age than GamelanPelog . Slendro has 5 ( five ) tones per octave , ie 1 2 3 4 5 ( C - D E + GA ) with interval yangsama or any different if the difference is very small interval . Pelog has 7 ( seven ) tones per octave , ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( C + D E - F # G # AB ) with a big interval difference .
Gamelan can be played as a separate musical performances and accompaniment tarianatau performing arts such as Wayang Kulit and Ketoprak . As a show of its own , gamelan music is usually combined with the voices of the singers (male singers called woman singer called waranggana wiraswaradan ) . In the Java community , orchestra Gamelan music is usually called a " Karawitan " . Derived from the word " pepper " which means complicated , delicate , small . Why is it called so ? Because plays Karawitanmemang not just focus on the sounds produced by musical instruments , but also must dapatmemahami depth the meaning of the music being played tersebut.Mengingat semuagendhing created that correlates with everyday human life , for example : adaGendhing which refers to safety , thanksgiving , demand , request , and so forth . By understanding the depth of the Gamelan player is not required to play the musical instruments as they please , but always based on the context of the ada.Inilah is why playing a gamelan is often considered to be " complicated " .
A set of Javanese gamelan usually consists of several musical instruments . The following instruments contained in the Gamelan :

1 . Kendhang :

Kendhang main function to set the rhythm . The drums sounded by hand , without tools bantu.Jenis small drum called ketipung , the medium is called drums ciblon / kebar . Couple ketipung no one named drum gedhe kalih commonly called drums .
Kalih played drums on a song or piece of fine character like Ketawang , kethuk kalih piece , and ladrang dadi.Bisa also played rhythm quickly at the opening of the song kind of launch , ladrang rhythm responsibilities . To play drums , it takes people who are very steeped in the culture of Java , and played with the player's feeling of instinct , of course with the existing rules

2 . Demung , Saron , Peking

The tool is shaped keys with six or seven blades ( one octave ) superimposed on a wooden frame which also serves as the percussion sounded resonator.Instrumen noodles made ​​from kayu.Menurut size and function , there are three types of saron : - demung ( Most large ) , - saron ( Medium ) and , - howl ( Smallest ) .

These devices are bulky and beroktaf tengah.Demung plays balungan terbatas.Umumnya piece in its territory , the gamelan has one or two demung.Tetapi there gamelan in the palace that has more than two demung .
These devices are medium-sized and beroktaf tinggi.Seperti demung , saron barung plays in the territory terbatas.Pada balungan wasp engineering trade- reward , two saron play songs intertwined fast tempo . A set of gamelan has two saron , but there are more and gamelan has two saron .
Shaped saron smallest and highest beroktaf .
Sharon panerus or howl plays wasp duplicate or quadruplicate balungan song .

3 . Gong

 Gong marks the beginning and ending the piece and gives a sense of balance after the passage of a long sentence piece song .
Gong is very important to mark the end of the song the basic unit of the group , so the group itself ( ie sentences between two wasps song gong ) is called gong .

4 . Bonang

Bonang is divided into two types , namely bonang barung and bonang panerus .
The difference in large and kecilnyasaja , and also on how to play the rhythm . Bonang barung large , beroktaf middle to high , is one of the instruments in ansambel.Khususnya leaders in engineering shelled wasp , tone patterns are always anticipating the notes that will come to lead songs instruments lainnya.Pada types bonang piece , bonang barung plays the opening piece and guide groove track piece .
In engineering wasp - reward returns , bonang barung not serve as a guide track ; he formed track patterns intertwine with bonang panerus , and the accent accent may make important bonang have now ( the songs garnish ) , usually in a sentence endings song .
Bonang panerus is bonang small , high beroktaf .
At shelled hornet technique , rhythm bonang panerus has the speed of a double play on bonang barung . Although anticipating balungan tones , bonang panerus not function as a guide track , because of the speed and altitude regions tone .
In the wasp engineering trade- reward , in collaboration with bonang barung , bonang panerus play patterns intertwined song .

5 . Slenthem

According to its construction , including family slenthem gender ; instead he sometimes called gender panembung . But slenthem have as many slats slats saron ;
Slenthem beroktaf lowest in the group saron instruments . Such demung and saron barung , slenthem balungan played in a limited area .

6 . Kethuk and Kenong

 Kenong is a similar type of instrument sets gong horizontal position , superimposed on a rope that is stretched on a wooden frame . In a piece disallow structure , kenong is the second most important instrument after the gong .
Kenong gong split into two or four sentences kenong .
In addition to the functional structure of the piece underlines , notes kenong also relate to the song piece ; he could play the same tone with the tone balungan ; it may also precede the next balungan tone for the main lead track piece ; or he can play ringing tone is one kempyung balungan , to support pathet flavor .
In kenongan fast style , the feasibility ayaka , srepegan , and sampak , wasp kenong lead piece - piece groove of the song .
Kethuk together with kenong , function equally well with kenong . Kethuk and kenong always play intertwine , any difference in the rhythm of play .

7 . Gender

 The instrument consists of metal blades with a rope stretched over the tube - tube resonator.Gender is played with a round drum ( circled layers of fabric ) with a short stalk .
In accordance with the function of the song , the tone of the area , and its size , there are two kinds , namely gender
panerus barung gender and gender .

8 . Xylophone

The instrument is made of slats - wood slats framed in gerobogan that also serves as a resonator . Bladed seventeen to twenty blades , xylophone region covers two octaves or more . Xylophone percussion played with circular shaped with long stalks are usually of horn / sungu.Kebanyakan xylophone plays gembyangan ( octave ) in the style of song patterns with steady beats .
Xylophone can also play some kind of ornamentation and rhythm tracks , like a game of two tones separated by two slats , or a game of two tones separated by six blades , and a song with rhythm patterns - the syncopated rhythm .

9 . Fiddle

 Wire - stringed instrument with two wires stretched on a wooden selajur with heart-shaped body covered with a membrane ( thin skin ) of the Chronicle cow . As one of the leaders of the instrument , fiddle song is recognized as a leader in the ensemble , especially in the style of the beat softly .
In most piece - piece , the opening song plays fiddle piece , determine the piece , the barrel , and pathet fiddle tone that will dimainkan.Wilayah cover any area of ​​the piece . Then fiddle groove track gives a clear indication gendhing.Pada most street groove track piece , fiddle also gives guidance to the musical ensemble to move from one section to another .

10 . Siter

Siter is part ricikan gamelan sound source is a string ( wire ) which menabuhnya technique by way of quotation . This type of instrument in view of the shape and color of sound , there are three kinds , namely zither , zither successor ( the smaller size of the zither ) , and clempung ( larger than the zither ) . In the presentation of concerts and musical accompaniment Klenengan or puppets function as pangrengga song siter .

11 . Flute

Other types of gamelan instruments that also serves as pangrengga song is distilled . These instruments are made of bamboo or plastic gutter wuluh given as a determinant of the tone hole or barrel . At one end is the part which is in the attached inflatable lips were given a cap layer called jamangan which serves to draw air , causing air vibrations that cause noise or sound engineering The inflatable ring it in a way . In the musical tradition , there are two types of flute , the flute shape that barreled Slendro has four holes are almost equidistant , while the barreled Pelog with five holes at different distances . There is also distilled with the six holes that can be used for barrel Pelog and Slendro . To flute the barrel Slendro in musical Jawatimuran if all four holes in the lid and in the inflatable with pressure being generated tone is barrel lu ( 3 ) , while the musical Jawatengahan prevalent with the barrel ro ( 2 ) .

Indonesia is so rich in culture , we should preserve cultural diversity in Indonesia , one of which set of Javanese gamelan .

Seeing Personality Of The Books You Read

Seeing Personality Of The Books You Read

Melihat Kepribadian Dari Buku Yang Kamu Baca

If the ancients said, the book was a window of the world. Many things can we temuin in the book, ranging from science, entertainment, until things are not important. Anyway, the book was cool deh. Everything was there, as long as you want to find and diligent reading. 

But, for this thing that I think you do not know ya. It turns out, nothing you can temuin in the book other than knowledge, that person's personality. The way it was through books that people read. What are we? Yuk listened!

Buku Pelajaran Atau Pengetahuan Alam

1 . Alternatively Textbook of Natural Sciences

People who like to read a textbook sort of school books or textbooks , usually the person that diligent . She likes the same updates that appear on the latest knowledge of books or the internet as well . In addition , she also likes things that smell really with science . Both the applied science that can be found in everyday life or just pure science also some specific

I'm so , it turns out people who like the textbook is certainly smart then? When in class , you're going to meet with the reader or science textbooks that most people can rank or its IP also high on campus . When in the office , usually hell who likes to read the textbook people who have positions deh .

The weakness of people who like the textbooks are conservative . People who like this book , it is usually difficult to accept the changes made ​​. If there are changes , must pass dibuktiin deh research . Rada hard too huh ?


2 . Novels

The novel is a book whose contents were the chapters are woven in the form of a very long story . The length can range from 80-700 pages , depending on what kind of novel . Usually , it 's that most readers are people who have high imagination . He could be imagining that different from other people .

You could say , you like to read novels that are categorized as a creative person . In addition , readers of the novel is also a free-spirited person . It can be seen from the novel that you read , the content is free to fantasize about the novel was not limited .

However , the readers of this fiction is rather wishy - washy ya . Evident from the confusion of his time looking for novels in bookstores . So , if you shoot this man , he's definitely going to think of it deh .

3 . Books Poetry or Prose

Today, already rather difficult anyway for nyari volume of poetry or prose that it just poetry or prose doang . That behavior today, the book collection of poems or novels that exist in it . Therefore , readers of this book tuh somewhat different from the others .

He who likes to read poetry books are responsive to the environment , because it can understand the hidden intentions behind life and terjemahin in the form of poetry .

In addition , the entry of this type also love the adventure . He likes nyobain new things and not with others . But be careful too huh ? Usually , people are happy with the book 's other poems in the eyes of others at heart . He likes it just as much charisma girl or a boy . You could say , is rather playboy anyway .

Buku Filsafat

4. Books Philosophy 

In a way, it is a philosophy book that is really heavy book. Who wrote the book can be read philosophy, but only a little that can be devoted to this one type of book. Hence, most people who like the book's philosophy is that people are willing berkoban. 

The timing could dihabisin to read philosophical books. Hence, people with this type can be invited to include hard-susahan together. I'm so, people who love the philosophy of the book was also a wise man. His charisma was really if nampil plasticity in front of many people. 

The weakness of this man tuh, it can be difficult to be invited to commit to a relationship. He prefers to understand the meaning of life is really hard to understand the common man. Most people who like the books, it is usually going to be the couple's age already not young anymore. If one can fit a young age, not a lot of the same people who can survive this.

Buku Politik

5. Political Books 

For this one book, usually the same reading people who are happy with the world activists and edges connect at politics. Hence, the people who love and faithfully read this book tuh is high social minded people. She updates very same developments in Senayan and officials in other areas. 

People with this book also usually it authoritative. Because she knew about the ruse in the political world, so that she could watch jaim alias alias jaim image in front of people. Adult plasticity deh these people anyway. Suitable for you who are in search of candidates for official girlfriend. 

Just so ya, this guy turns out there are also disadvantages. He goes into this type tuh, sometimes like nikung. The point here anyway, nikung boyfriend or gebetan you. So, be careful wrote that you have friends who like the political book. But, not everything is so really. Calm.


6. Comic 

If you read comics, identical with that many books with pictures and full of dialogue. Explanation about the setting and also the flow of dijelasin not too much. Hence, people who like the comic it, most people who have high imagination, together with people who love to read novels. 

Apparently, people who like to read comics also responsive to change. It proved to him that always update at the development of the comic every week it emerged his new series in Indonesia. If the same diterapin life, people who love to read picture books is not a problem with many changes. Suitable for dijadiin girlfriend deh, because its not complicated. 

But, this guy likes childish sometimes. Plasticity of the comics that read, mostly made ​​for children and adolescents. Not everything, it's only a few people wrote. You see, the comic also there that goes right kind of adult comics and not be seen kids.

Buku Resep

7 . Recipe Book

Nothing that people do not like the food in this world , including you who read this article . For who can not cook or hobby cook , like smokers usually buy recipe books or beverages in a bookstore . Apparently, people who like to read this cookbook also includes the type of motherly or fatherly , be it to a spouse , friend , or also to other people .

It can be seen from the people who read this cookbook , usually directly Terapin knowledge that he can into practice in the form of cooking in the kitchen . You are entering into this type also , arguably romantic person . Like to give something special to the couple . I'm so , Telit and its also the same attention to detail something .

But , the perfect plasticity is , in fact rather difficult to be invited to the discussion . His somewhat self- centered or really want to be the center of attention . If you're the same way people in this type , usually he does not hesitate also invites you to bring all his stuff . Even if you were told to bring all the goods , he was really polite . I'm so delicious cooking again . Wow really do ?

EXO – Overdose Lyrics

EXO – Overdose Lyrics

[Baekhyun] Modeungeol geolgo neol deurikin nan
Ije dorikilsudo eopda
[D.O] Igeon bunmyeong wiheomhan jungdok
So bad no one can stop her
[All] Her love her love [Suho] ojik geugeotman bara
Geunyeoui sarang hanappuningeol
[Baekhyun] Chimyeongjeogin fantasy hwangholhan geu ane chwihae
[D.O] Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me, [Baekhyun] oh she hurts me
Joha deouk galmanghago isseo
[All] Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo malhaejwo
[Suho] Sarangeun gyeolguk jungdok overdose
[All] Sigani jinalsurok tongjedo himdeureojyeo
[Baekhyun] Jeomjeom gipsugi ppajyeoganda
[D.O] Oh too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose
[D.O] Too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose
[Chen] Neoui geu geu sumgillo ono
Boineun neol galguhae jom deo
[Lay] Gappajin sumeuro jilsikdoen hue
Jeonyul geurigo hansum
[All] Her love her love [Xiumin] dokhangeot gata naegen
Heeonalsu eomneun ne sumi
[Luhan] Pineun tteugeowojiji machi modu jibaehae
[Chen] Oh she wants me~ oh she’s got me, [Luhan] oh she hurts me~
[Luhan] Gyesok neoman geurigo geurinda
[All] Someone call the doctor nal butjapgo malhaejwo
[Suho] Sarangeun gyeolguk jungdok overdose
[All] Sigani jinalsurok tongjedo himdeureojyeo
[Baekhyun] Jeomjeom gipsugi ppajyeoganda
[D.O] Oh too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose
[D.O] Too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose
[Suho] Modu da naege mureowa [D.O] naega byeonhangeot gatae
[Suho] Simjange niga bakhyeobeorindeut
[Baekhyun] Sesangi ontong neoinde
[D.O] Meomchulsu eobseo imi gadeukhan neol
[Baekhyun] Jigeum i sungan you in my heart
[Sehun] E X O
[Chanyeol] Nan neoreul matgo tto neoreul masinda
Nae simjangi tteollyeowa gyesok deurikyeodo ajik mojara yeah
Sonkkeutkkaji jeonyulsikin galjeung isunganeul jaba
Jiljureul meomchuji ma neomu joha can’’t stop it
[Sehun] Hei dakteo~ jigeum idaero gajinanha
Juchehalsu eomneun ikkeullime neowa naega hana
[Kai] I neukkim eobsineun jugeungeona machangajingeol
Naega saneun iyu neoraneun dalkomhame jungdok
([All] Someone call the doctor)
[All] Someone call the doctor nan geunyeoreul pillyohae
[Suho] Haeron botdan motdulsu eobseo (Beotiji motei)
[All] Motaebeoseonaji motaneun jungdokgateungeol
[Baekhyun] Gin gin ibyeol tu nareul nowo
[D.O] Oh too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose
[D.O] Too much neoya your love [All] igeon overdose

Melihat Kepribadian Dari Buku Yang Kamu Baca

Melihat Kepribadian Dari Buku Yang Kamu Baca
Melihat Kepribadian Dari Buku Yang Kamu Baca

Kalau kata orang zaman dulu, buku itu jendela dunia. Banyak hal yang bisa kita temuin di buku, mulai dari ilmu pengetahuan, hiburan, sampai hal-hal yang gak penting. Pokoknya, buku itu keren banget deh. Semuanya ada di sana, asal kamu mau cari dan rajin membaca.

Tapi, untuk hal yang ini kayaknya kamu belum tau nih. Ternyata, ada yang bisa kamu temuin di buku selain pengetahuan, yaitu kepribadian orang. Caranya ya lewat buku yang orang itu baca. Apa aja? Yuk disimak!
Buku Pelajaran Atau Pengetahuan Alam

1. Buku Pelajaran Atau Pengetahuan Alam

Orang yang suka baca buku pelajaran semacam buku sekolah atau buku kuliah, biasanya orangnya itu rajin. Dia suka update sama pengetahuan terbaru yang muncul di buku-buku atau juga internet. Selain itu, dia juga suka banget dengan hal yang berbau sains. Baik itu sains terapan yang bisa ditemukan di kehidupan sehari-hari atau juga sains murni yang cuma beberapa orang tertentu

Udah gitu, ternyata orang yang suka dengan buku pelajaran ini pastinya pintar dong? Kalau di kelas, kamu bakalan ketemu dengan orang-orang pembaca buku pelajaran atau ilmu pengetahuan itu kebanyakan orang yang dapat ranking atau juga IP-nya di kampus tinggi. Kalau di kantor, biasanya sih yang suka baca buku pelajaran ini orang-orang yang punya jabatan gitu deh.

Kelemahan dari orang yang suka dengan buku pelajaran ini adalah konservatif. Orang-orang yang suka dengan buku ini, biasanya susah buat nerima perubahan. Kalau ada perubahan, harus dibuktiin lewat penelitian gitu deh. Rada susah juga ya?


2. Novel

Novel adalah buku yang isinya itu bab-bab yang dijalin dalam bentuk satu cerita panjang banget. Panjangnya bisa mulai dari 80-700 halaman, tergantung jenis novelnya apa. Biasanya, pembaca buku ini tuh kebanyakan adalah orang yang punya daya imajinasi tinggi. Dia bisa mengkhayal yang beda dari orang lain.

Bisa dibilang, kamu yang suka baca novel ini termasuk golongan orang yang kreatif. Selain itu, pembaca novel juga orangnya berjiwa bebas. Ini bisa dilihat dari novel yang kamu baca, bebas untuk mengkhayal tentang isi novelnya yang gak terbatas itu.

Tapi, orang pembaca buku fiksi ini rada plin-plan nih. Terbukti dari kebingungan dia waktu cari novel di toko buku. Makanya, kalau kamu nembak orang ini, pasti dia bakalan dipikir-pikir dulu deh.

3. Buku Puisi Atau Prosa

Sekarang ini, udah agak susah sih buat nyari buku kumpulan puisi atau prosa yang isinya cuma puisi atau prosa doang. Yang laku sekarang ini, buku kumpulan cerpen atau novel yang ada puisi di dalamnya. Karena itu, pembaca buku ini tuh agak beda dengan yang lain.

Dia yang suka baca buku puisi adalah orang yang tanggap dengan lingkungan, karena bisa memahami maksud-maksud tersembunyi yang ada di balik hidup dan terjemahin dalam bentuk puisi.

Selain itu, yang masuk tipe ini juga suka dengan petualangan. Dia suka nyobain hal yang baru dan gak sama dengan orang lain. Tapi hati-hati juga ya? Biasanya, orang yang senang dengan buku puisi ini lain di mata lain di hati. Dia suka tebar pesona sama banyak cewek atau cowok. Bisa dibilang, rada playboy sih.

Buku Filsafat

4. Buku Filsafat

Bisa dibilang, buku filsafat itu adalah buku yang berat banget. Siapa aja bisa baca buku filsafat, tapi cuma dikit yang bisa setia dengan jenis buku yang satu ini. Makanya, kebanyakan orang yang suka dengan buku filsafat adalah orang yang rela berkoban.

Waktunya bisa dihabisin dengan baca buku-buku yang filosofis. Makanya, orang dengan tipe ini termasuk bisa diajak untuk susah-susahan bareng.  Udah gitu, orang yang suka dengan buku filsafat ternyata juga orang yang bijaksana. Kharismanya itu keliatan banget kalau nampil di depan banyak orang.

Kelemahan orang ini tuh, dia susah untuk diajak berkomitmen dengan suatu hubungan. Dia lebih memilih memahami arti hidup yang susah banget untuk dimengerti orang-orang biasa. Kebanyakan orang yang suka dengan buku-buku ini, biasanya bakalan dapat pasangan itu di usia yang udah gak muda lagi. Kalau pun dapat pas usia muda, gak banyak yang bisa bertahan sama orang ini.

Buku Politik

5. Buku Politik

Untuk buku yang satu ini, biasanya dibaca sama orang-orang yang senang dengan dunia aktivis dan ujung-ujungnya berhubungan sama politik. Makanya, orang-orang yang suka dan setia baca buku ini tuh adalah orang yang berjiwa sosial tinggi. Dia update banget sama perkembangan pejabat di Senayan dan di daerah lain.

Orang dengan buku ini juga biasanya itu berwibawa. Karena dia ngerti soal tipu muslihat di dunia politik, sehingga dia bisa jaga imej alias jaim alias jaim di depan orang-orang. Keliatan dewasa banget deh pokoknya orang-orang ini. Cocok untuk kamu yang lagi cari pacar calon pejabat.

Cuma ya gitu, orang ini ternyata ada kelemahannya juga. Dia yang masuk ke dalam tipe ini tuh, kadang suka nikung. Maksudnya disini sih, nikung pacar atau gebetan kamu. Jadi, hati-hati aja kalau kamu punya teman yang suka dengan buku politik. Tapi, gak semuanya gitu kok. Tenang aja.


6. Komik

Kalau baca komik, identik dengan buku yang banyak dengan gambar-gambar dan penuh dengan dialog. Penjelasan soal setting dan juga alur itu dijelasin gak terlalu banyak. Makanya, orang yang suka dengan komik itu, kebanyakan orang yang punya daya imajinasi yang tinggi, sama dengan orang yang suka baca novel.

Ternyata, orang yang suka baca komik juga responsif dengan perubahan. Ini terbukti dengan dia yang selalu update sama perkembangan komik yang tiap minggunya itu muncul seri-seri barunya di Indonesia. Kalau diterapin sama kehidupan, orang yang suka baca buku bergambar banyak ini gak masalah dengan perubahan. Cocok deh untuk dijadiin pacar, soalnya orangnya gak ribet.

Tapi, orang ini kadang suka kekanakan. Keliatan dari komik-komik yang dibaca, kebanyakan dibuat untuk anak-anak dan juga remaja. Gak semuanya sih, cuma beberapa orang aja. Soalnya, komik juga kan ada yang masuk jenis komik dewasa dan gak boleh dilihat anak-anak.

Buku Resep

7. Buku Resep

Gak ada orang yang gak suka dengan makanan di dunia ini, termasuk kamu yang baca artikel ini. Untuk yang gak bisa masak atau juga hobi masak, biasanya suka deh beli buku-buku resep masakan atau minuman di toko buku. Ternyata, orang yang suka baca buku resep ini termasuk tipe keibuan atau juga kebapakan, baik itu ke pasangan, teman, atau juga ke orang lain.

Hal ini bisa dilihat dari orang yang baca buku resep ini, biasanya langsung terapin ilmu yang dia dapat ke dalam bentuk praktek masak di dapur.  Kamu yang masuk ke dalam tipe ini juga, bisa dibilang orang yang romantis. Suka ngasih hal yang spesial ke pasangan. Udah gitu, orangnya juga telit dan perhatian sama detail sesuatu.

Tapi, orang yang keliatan sempurna ini, sebenarnya agak susah untuk diajak diskusi. Orangnya agak self centered atau pengen banget jadi pusat perhatian. Kalau kamu jalan sama orang dalam tipe ini, biasanya dia gak segan juga untuk ngajak kamu bawain barang-barangnya. Walau pun kamu disuruh bawain barangnya, dia masih sopan kok. Udah gitu masakannya enak lagi. Wow banget kan?

semoga bermanfaat yaa:)

Rabu, 02 April 2014

2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards ( MAMA ) Set Tahun ini untuk 3 Desember di Hong Kong

2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards ( MAMA ) Set Tahun ini untuk 3 Desember di Hong Kong

2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards ( MAMA ) Set Tahun ini untuk 3 Desember di Hong KongFeatured. The MAMA Awards pertama tahun 2012 diadakan di Singapura .

Festival musik paling berpengaruh di Asia kembali ke hub geografis Hong Kong

Asia No.1 Isi Total Perusahaan CJ E & M [ ] hari ini mengumumkan bahwa 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards ( MAMA ) , festival musik terbesar di Asia , akan berlangsung tahun ini pada tanggal 3 Desember di Hong Kong .

" 2014 MAMA kembali ke Hong Kong untuk meningkatkan status kota sebagai titik fokus ekonomi Asia, perdagangan , dan keragaman budaya , " kata Shin Hyung - kwan , Executive Vice President dari CJ E & M saluran musik Mnet . " Menyatukan pengalaman dan produksi know-how dari CJ E & M serta gairah yang luar biasa dari penggemar baik di dalam maupun di luar Hong Kong , festival akan menyoroti kekuatan luar biasa dan popularitas musik Asia ke seluruh dunia . "

Pada tahun keenam sejak berkembang menjadi festival musik utama Asia , dampak MAMA telah menyebar jauh melampaui asal-usulnya di Korea untuk seluruh Asia dan bagian dunia lainnya . Diakui untuk produksi stadium lanjut dan pertunjukan mega - skala , MAMA juga telah berperan dalam memperkenalkan tren K - Pop terbaru dan high-end sistem produksi Korea untuk khalayak global. Tahun lalu , seniman terkenal di dunia Stevie Wonder , Ylvis , Icona Pop , dan Aaron Kwok bergabung untuk merayakan 2013 MAMA yang bersamaan disiarkan ke 94 negara di Asia , Eropa , Amerika Utara , Afrika , dan Oceania mencapai 2,4 miliar orang di seluruh dunia .

MAMA dimulai pada tahun 1999 sebagai Mnet KM Music Festival ( MKMF ) , sebuah acara penghargaan berperan pada saat pertumbuhan terkemuka industri musik Korea . Pada tahun 2009 , MKMF berganti nama menjadi Mnet Asian Music Awards ( MAMA ) , dan pada tahun 2010 , festival ini memulai tur Asia di Macau , diikuti oleh 2012 MAMA di Singapura . Selama dua tahun terakhir , MAMA telah diselenggarakan di Hong Kong di Hong Kong Convention dan Exhibition Centre ( HKCEC ) dan AsiaWorld - Expo , Arena ( AWE ) masing-masing .

Princess Cake Shower

Princess Cake Shower

PUTERI MANDI Resep Kue Puteri Mandi

In Central Java , Princess Cake Bathing known as Mendut cake , wrapped in a leaf and consists of a thick sauce , 2-3 dots of different colors , then steamed again . Similarly, Cake Bugis Betawi , wrapped in a cone -shaped leaf , containing only 1 green spheres and coconut milk sauce , steamed as well .

Bath Princess Cake Recipe Ingredients :
• 250 grams of glutinous rice flour
• 50 grams of corn starch
• 1 teaspoon water whiting
• 125 ml of liquid milk
• hijau/50 ml dye suji leaf water
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
Fill Cake Recipe Princess Bath :
• half of young coconut , grated lengthwise
• 150 grams of brown sugar , sliced ​​thin
• 100 ml of water
• 2 pieces of pandan leaves , cut each 5 cm
• 1/8 teaspoon salt

Thick Sauce Cake Recipe Princess Bath :
• 500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
• 1 teaspoon of rice flour
• 2 pieces of pandan leaves , torn to pieces, make a slip knot
• 1/8 teaspoon salt

How to Make a Princess Cake Bath :
  1. Contents : low heat , stir and cook until all the dry         ingredients . Lift , divide into 30 spheres , set aside.
  2. Thick coconut milk sauce : low heat , cook and stir all ingredients to a boil . Remove and set aside.
  3. Mix and knead ingredients while pouring liquid milk and suji leaf water little by little , until the dough can be formed .
  4. Divide and round dough into 30 points , flatten , give the dough , cover and round . Boil in boiling water until cooked and floating , drain .
  5. Enter the thick coconut milk sauce , serve.

Selasa, 01 April 2014

2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) Set This Year for December 3 in Hong Kong

Featured above is the teaser for the MAMA Awards 2013 that was also held in Hong Kong. The first MAMA Awards in 2012 was held in Singapore.
Asia’s most influential music festival returns to geographical hub of Hong Kong
Asia’s No.1 Total Contents Company CJ E&M [] announced today that the 2014 Mnet Asian MusicAwards (MAMA), Asia’s greatest music festival, will take place this year on December 3 in Hong Kong.
“2014 MAMA returns to Hong Kong to leverage the city’s status as a focal point of Asian economy, trade, and cultural diversity,” said Shin Hyung-kwan, Executive Vice President of CJ E&M’s music channel Mnet. “Bringing together the experience and production know-how of CJ E&M as well as amazing passion of fans both within and outside Hong Kong, the festival will highlight the incredible power and popularity of Asian music to the world.”
In its sixth year since evolving into Asia’s premier music festival, MAMA’s impact has spread far beyond its origins in Korea to across Asia and other parts of the world. Acclaimed for its advanced stage production and mega-scale performances, MAMA also has been instrumental in introducing the latest K-Pop trends and Korea’s high-end production system to global audiences. Last year, world famous artists Stevie Wonder, Ylvis, Icona Pop, and Aaron Kwok joined to celebrate 2013 MAMA which was simultaneously broadcast to 94 countries in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa, and Oceania reaching 2.4 billion people worldwide.
MAMA began in 1999 as the Mnet KM Music Festival (MKMF), an awards show instrumental at the time in leading growth of the Korean music industry. In 2009, MKMF was renamed the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA), and in 2010, the festival started its Asian tour in Macau, followed by 2012 MAMA in Singapore. For the last two years, MAMA has been held in Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) and AsiaWorld-Expo, Arena (AWE) respectively.

Mnet Asian Music Awards to Return to Hong Kong in 2014

After a successful run with popular artists from both Korea and abroad,2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards will be returning to Hong Kong once again for the upcoming year. 

On March 17, CJ E&M announced that 2014 MAMA will be taking place in Hong Kong on December 3. 

Mnet Asian Music Awards to Return to Hong Kong in 2014

2014 MAMA returns to Hong Kong to leverage the city’s status as a focal point of Asian economy, trade, and cultural diversity,” said Shin Hyung Kwan, Executive Vice President of Mnet. “Bringing together the experience and production know-how of CJ E&EM as well as amazing passion of fans both within and outside Hong Kong, the festival will highlight the incredible power and popularity of Asian music to the world.”

This will be the sixth year the music festival will take place. In 2013’s MAMA, big-named stars in Korea, such as Big Bang, EXO, 2NE1, Rain, SNSD and more attended the show, along with world famous artists including Stevie Wonder, Ylvis, Icona Pop, Aaron Kwon, and more. 

The festival was broadcasted simultaneously to 94 countries all around the world to approximately 2.4 billion people. 

With the award show growing in scale and improvement, the 2014 MAMA is already being anticipated for what stars and brilliant performances will be showcased in December. 

Photo credit: CJ E&M