KNOWN set of Javanese gamelan

As a citizen who berBhineka Tunggal Ika , should appreciate them is to know budayanya.salah Javanese gamelan set . Gamelan is a cultural product to meet the human need for art . Art is one of the cultural elements that are universal . This means that every nation has ascertained the arts , but his form is different from one nation to another nation . If contact occurs between nations the arts culture was also involved in contact that may occur one or mengarn nation would absorb if the elements of art from other nations according to the conditions seternpat . Therefore, since the existence of gamelan until now there have been changes and developments , particularly in ansambelnya completeness .
Javanese gamelan can actually be divided into two barrel ( scales / pitch ) , yaituSlendro and Pelog . According to Javanese mythology , the gamelan Slendro older age than GamelanPelog . Slendro has 5 ( five ) tones per octave , ie 1 2 3 4 5 ( C - D E + GA ) with interval yangsama or any different if the difference is very small interval . Pelog has 7 ( seven ) tones per octave , ie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( C + D E - F # G # AB ) with a big interval difference .
Gamelan can be played as a separate musical performances and accompaniment tarianatau performing arts such as Wayang Kulit and Ketoprak . As a show of its own , gamelan music is usually combined with the voices of the singers (male singers called woman singer called waranggana wiraswaradan ) . In the Java community , orchestra Gamelan music is usually called a " Karawitan " . Derived from the word " pepper " which means complicated , delicate , small . Why is it called so ? Because plays Karawitanmemang not just focus on the sounds produced by musical instruments , but also must dapatmemahami depth the meaning of the music being played tersebut.Mengingat semuagendhing created that correlates with everyday human life , for example : adaGendhing which refers to safety , thanksgiving , demand , request , and so forth . By understanding the depth of the Gamelan player is not required to play the musical instruments as they please , but always based on the context of the ada.Inilah is why playing a gamelan is often considered to be " complicated " .
A set of Javanese gamelan usually consists of several musical instruments . The following instruments contained in the Gamelan :
1 . Kendhang :

Kendhang main function to set the rhythm . The drums sounded by hand , without tools bantu.Jenis small drum called ketipung , the medium is called drums ciblon / kebar . Couple ketipung no one named drum gedhe kalih commonly called drums .
Kalih played drums on a song or piece of fine character like Ketawang , kethuk kalih piece , and ladrang dadi.Bisa also played rhythm quickly at the opening of the song kind of launch , ladrang rhythm responsibilities . To play drums , it takes people who are very steeped in the culture of Java , and played with the player's feeling of instinct , of course with the existing rules
2 . Demung , Saron , Peking

The tool is shaped keys with six or seven blades ( one octave ) superimposed on a wooden frame which also serves as the percussion sounded resonator.Instrumen noodles made from kayu.Menurut size and function , there are three types of saron : - demung ( Most large ) , - saron ( Medium ) and , - howl ( Smallest ) .
These devices are bulky and beroktaf tengah.Demung plays balungan terbatas.Umumnya piece in its territory , the gamelan has one or two demung.Tetapi there gamelan in the palace that has more than two demung .
These devices are medium-sized and beroktaf tinggi.Seperti demung , saron barung plays in the territory terbatas.Pada balungan wasp engineering trade- reward , two saron play songs intertwined fast tempo . A set of gamelan has two saron , but there are more and gamelan has two saron .
Shaped saron smallest and highest beroktaf .
Sharon panerus or howl plays wasp duplicate or quadruplicate balungan song .
3 . Gong

Gong marks the beginning and ending the piece and gives a sense of balance after the passage of a long sentence piece song .
Gong is very important to mark the end of the song the basic unit of the group , so the group itself ( ie sentences between two wasps song gong ) is called gong .
4 . Bonang

Bonang is divided into two types , namely bonang barung and bonang panerus .
The difference in large and kecilnyasaja , and also on how to play the rhythm . Bonang barung large , beroktaf middle to high , is one of the instruments in ansambel.Khususnya leaders in engineering shelled wasp , tone patterns are always anticipating the notes that will come to lead songs instruments lainnya.Pada types bonang piece , bonang barung plays the opening piece and guide groove track piece .
In engineering wasp - reward returns , bonang barung not serve as a guide track ; he formed track patterns intertwine with bonang panerus , and the accent accent may make important bonang have now ( the songs garnish ) , usually in a sentence endings song .
Bonang panerus is bonang small , high beroktaf .
At shelled hornet technique , rhythm bonang panerus has the speed of a double play on bonang barung . Although anticipating balungan tones , bonang panerus not function as a guide track , because of the speed and altitude regions tone .
In the wasp engineering trade- reward , in collaboration with bonang barung , bonang panerus play patterns intertwined song .
5 . Slenthem

According to its construction , including family slenthem gender ; instead he sometimes called gender panembung . But slenthem have as many slats slats saron ;
Slenthem beroktaf lowest in the group saron instruments . Such demung and saron barung , slenthem balungan played in a limited area .
6 . Kethuk and Kenong

Kenong is a similar type of instrument sets gong horizontal position , superimposed on a rope that is stretched on a wooden frame . In a piece disallow structure , kenong is the second most important instrument after the gong .
Kenong gong split into two or four sentences kenong .
In addition to the functional structure of the piece underlines , notes kenong also relate to the song piece ; he could play the same tone with the tone balungan ; it may also precede the next balungan tone for the main lead track piece ; or he can play ringing tone is one kempyung balungan , to support pathet flavor .
In kenongan fast style , the feasibility ayaka , srepegan , and sampak , wasp kenong lead piece - piece groove of the song .
Kethuk together with kenong , function equally well with kenong . Kethuk and kenong always play intertwine , any difference in the rhythm of play .
7 . Gender

The instrument consists of metal blades with a rope stretched over the tube - tube resonator.Gender is played with a round drum ( circled layers of fabric ) with a short stalk .
In accordance with the function of the song , the tone of the area , and its size , there are two kinds , namely gender
panerus barung gender and gender .
8 . Xylophone

The instrument is made of slats - wood slats framed in gerobogan that also serves as a resonator . Bladed seventeen to twenty blades , xylophone region covers two octaves or more . Xylophone percussion played with circular shaped with long stalks are usually of horn / sungu.Kebanyakan xylophone plays gembyangan ( octave ) in the style of song patterns with steady beats .
Xylophone can also play some kind of ornamentation and rhythm tracks , like a game of two tones separated by two slats , or a game of two tones separated by six blades , and a song with rhythm patterns - the syncopated rhythm .
9 . Fiddle

Wire - stringed instrument with two wires stretched on a wooden selajur with heart-shaped body covered with a membrane ( thin skin ) of the Chronicle cow . As one of the leaders of the instrument , fiddle song is recognized as a leader in the ensemble , especially in the style of the beat softly .
In most piece - piece , the opening song plays fiddle piece , determine the piece , the barrel , and pathet fiddle tone that will dimainkan.Wilayah cover any area of the piece . Then fiddle groove track gives a clear indication gendhing.Pada most street groove track piece , fiddle also gives guidance to the musical ensemble to move from one section to another .
10 . Siter

Siter is part ricikan gamelan sound source is a string ( wire ) which menabuhnya technique by way of quotation . This type of instrument in view of the shape and color of sound , there are three kinds , namely zither , zither successor ( the smaller size of the zither ) , and clempung ( larger than the zither ) . In the presentation of concerts and musical accompaniment Klenengan or puppets function as pangrengga song siter .
11 . Flute

Other types of gamelan instruments that also serves as pangrengga song is distilled . These instruments are made of bamboo or plastic gutter wuluh given as a determinant of the tone hole or barrel . At one end is the part which is in the attached inflatable lips were given a cap layer called jamangan which serves to draw air , causing air vibrations that cause noise or sound engineering The inflatable ring it in a way . In the musical tradition , there are two types of flute , the flute shape that barreled Slendro has four holes are almost equidistant , while the barreled Pelog with five holes at different distances . There is also distilled with the six holes that can be used for barrel Pelog and Slendro . To flute the barrel Slendro in musical Jawatimuran if all four holes in the lid and in the inflatable with pressure being generated tone is barrel lu ( 3 ) , while the musical Jawatengahan prevalent with the barrel ro ( 2 ) .
Indonesia is so rich in culture , we should preserve cultural diversity in Indonesia , one of which set of Javanese gamelan .