Selasa, 22 April 2014

Seeing Personality Of The Books You Read

Seeing Personality Of The Books You Read

Melihat Kepribadian Dari Buku Yang Kamu Baca

If the ancients said, the book was a window of the world. Many things can we temuin in the book, ranging from science, entertainment, until things are not important. Anyway, the book was cool deh. Everything was there, as long as you want to find and diligent reading. 

But, for this thing that I think you do not know ya. It turns out, nothing you can temuin in the book other than knowledge, that person's personality. The way it was through books that people read. What are we? Yuk listened!

Buku Pelajaran Atau Pengetahuan Alam

1 . Alternatively Textbook of Natural Sciences

People who like to read a textbook sort of school books or textbooks , usually the person that diligent . She likes the same updates that appear on the latest knowledge of books or the internet as well . In addition , she also likes things that smell really with science . Both the applied science that can be found in everyday life or just pure science also some specific

I'm so , it turns out people who like the textbook is certainly smart then? When in class , you're going to meet with the reader or science textbooks that most people can rank or its IP also high on campus . When in the office , usually hell who likes to read the textbook people who have positions deh .

The weakness of people who like the textbooks are conservative . People who like this book , it is usually difficult to accept the changes made ​​. If there are changes , must pass dibuktiin deh research . Rada hard too huh ?


2 . Novels

The novel is a book whose contents were the chapters are woven in the form of a very long story . The length can range from 80-700 pages , depending on what kind of novel . Usually , it 's that most readers are people who have high imagination . He could be imagining that different from other people .

You could say , you like to read novels that are categorized as a creative person . In addition , readers of the novel is also a free-spirited person . It can be seen from the novel that you read , the content is free to fantasize about the novel was not limited .

However , the readers of this fiction is rather wishy - washy ya . Evident from the confusion of his time looking for novels in bookstores . So , if you shoot this man , he's definitely going to think of it deh .

3 . Books Poetry or Prose

Today, already rather difficult anyway for nyari volume of poetry or prose that it just poetry or prose doang . That behavior today, the book collection of poems or novels that exist in it . Therefore , readers of this book tuh somewhat different from the others .

He who likes to read poetry books are responsive to the environment , because it can understand the hidden intentions behind life and terjemahin in the form of poetry .

In addition , the entry of this type also love the adventure . He likes nyobain new things and not with others . But be careful too huh ? Usually , people are happy with the book 's other poems in the eyes of others at heart . He likes it just as much charisma girl or a boy . You could say , is rather playboy anyway .

Buku Filsafat

4. Books Philosophy 

In a way, it is a philosophy book that is really heavy book. Who wrote the book can be read philosophy, but only a little that can be devoted to this one type of book. Hence, most people who like the book's philosophy is that people are willing berkoban. 

The timing could dihabisin to read philosophical books. Hence, people with this type can be invited to include hard-susahan together. I'm so, people who love the philosophy of the book was also a wise man. His charisma was really if nampil plasticity in front of many people. 

The weakness of this man tuh, it can be difficult to be invited to commit to a relationship. He prefers to understand the meaning of life is really hard to understand the common man. Most people who like the books, it is usually going to be the couple's age already not young anymore. If one can fit a young age, not a lot of the same people who can survive this.

Buku Politik

5. Political Books 

For this one book, usually the same reading people who are happy with the world activists and edges connect at politics. Hence, the people who love and faithfully read this book tuh is high social minded people. She updates very same developments in Senayan and officials in other areas. 

People with this book also usually it authoritative. Because she knew about the ruse in the political world, so that she could watch jaim alias alias jaim image in front of people. Adult plasticity deh these people anyway. Suitable for you who are in search of candidates for official girlfriend. 

Just so ya, this guy turns out there are also disadvantages. He goes into this type tuh, sometimes like nikung. The point here anyway, nikung boyfriend or gebetan you. So, be careful wrote that you have friends who like the political book. But, not everything is so really. Calm.


6. Comic 

If you read comics, identical with that many books with pictures and full of dialogue. Explanation about the setting and also the flow of dijelasin not too much. Hence, people who like the comic it, most people who have high imagination, together with people who love to read novels. 

Apparently, people who like to read comics also responsive to change. It proved to him that always update at the development of the comic every week it emerged his new series in Indonesia. If the same diterapin life, people who love to read picture books is not a problem with many changes. Suitable for dijadiin girlfriend deh, because its not complicated. 

But, this guy likes childish sometimes. Plasticity of the comics that read, mostly made ​​for children and adolescents. Not everything, it's only a few people wrote. You see, the comic also there that goes right kind of adult comics and not be seen kids.

Buku Resep

7 . Recipe Book

Nothing that people do not like the food in this world , including you who read this article . For who can not cook or hobby cook , like smokers usually buy recipe books or beverages in a bookstore . Apparently, people who like to read this cookbook also includes the type of motherly or fatherly , be it to a spouse , friend , or also to other people .

It can be seen from the people who read this cookbook , usually directly Terapin knowledge that he can into practice in the form of cooking in the kitchen . You are entering into this type also , arguably romantic person . Like to give something special to the couple . I'm so , Telit and its also the same attention to detail something .

But , the perfect plasticity is , in fact rather difficult to be invited to the discussion . His somewhat self- centered or really want to be the center of attention . If you're the same way people in this type , usually he does not hesitate also invites you to bring all his stuff . Even if you were told to bring all the goods , he was really polite . I'm so delicious cooking again . Wow really do ?

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